Christmas Denver Balloon Jam Gingerbread house
Last year (pre-covid) we had a Denver balloon Jam and Zany Entertainments brought enough Big Brown balloons to make a Christmas gingerbread house out of balloons and everyone else contributed time and balloons for the decorations/decor. We weren't striving for perfection but just 'knocked it out' with the range of talent from beginners to pro. I don't remember everyone there but I (Zane King) am in the left window and in the right window is Doug Handley. To the far right is Bryce Jackman of 'Jackman Brothers Productions'. Also Tonya McNeil (behind the camera?) . All of them top notch at what they do and I do not hesitate to recommend all of them! If you were there and I didn't include you on this list of people that were there forgive and let me know your names.... .. If you want to be on the balloon jam list for Denver just call me at (720) 383-7386 for beginners or pros..
